God's Calendar Vs. Man's Calendar
BiblicalTruths TV
When does the day really begin — from a biblical perspective? Is it at midnight, at sunrise, or at sunset? And when exactly does the week begin? On Monday, Saturday, or Sunday? Finally, when does the month and the year really begin — from a biblical perspective?
There are so many calendars today. We have the Roman calendar, the Chinese calendar, the Islamic calendar, the Hebrew calendar, and many others. Since each one is different from all the others, there’s so much confusion about this topic. So, which among them is correct?
In this episode, I will share with you the correct, biblical reckoning of time which humans lost when they rejected God in their lives. Let’s discuss.
To download a FREE copy of the correct calendar, here is the link:
For more information, check out our 6-part series on the Hebrew Calendar:
1. http://biblicaltruths.online/surprising-origins-modern-calendar/
2. http://biblicaltruths.online/confusion-worlds-various-calendars/
3. http://biblicaltruths.online/disturbing-problems-of-the-modern-hebrew-calendar/
4. http://biblicaltruths.online/the-shocking-corruptions-in-the-present-hebrew-calendar/
5. https://biblicaltruths.online/science-proves-when-each-19-year-time-cycle-really-begins/
6. https://biblicaltruths.online/19-little-known-problems-of-the-modern-hebrew-calendar/
Watch this video in a different translation:
Tagalog Version: youtu.be/dacidGuncJc
Cebuano Version: youtu.be/fz0AI_0T7nE
#calendar #biblicaltruths