The Real Rags to Riches Story (Eph. 2:17-19) | HCC Online Worship Service | July 2, 2023


Heritage Christian Church of QC


Heritage Christian Church of Quezon City Sunday Online Worship Service
Date: July 2, 2023
Speaker: Bro. Dennis Pinpin

The Real Rags to Riches Story (Eph 2:17-19)
“Remember Jesus exalted you: live accordingly.”

Past: Jesus befriended us because we had no access to God (v.17 cf 11-12)

Present: Jesus, through himself, gave us access to God (v. 18 cf 14-16)

Future: Jesus is building us as the world’s access to God (v. 19 cf 20-22)

There were covenants of blessing, but they were for the people of Israel.
• The Noahic Covenant (Gen 9)
• The Abrahamic Covenant (Gen 12,15)
• The Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 19 and 24)
• The Davidic Covenant (2 Sam 7)

And then
• The New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Luke 22:14-23)

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