BREAD BROKEN FOR US – Daily Devotional




Daily Bread Devotional:
Devotional Topic: BREAD BROKEN FOR US
Luke 22:1-30

Verse of the Day: Luke 22:19

Devotional Message:
(Luke 22:19)
"And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, 'This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.'"

Imagine the scene: Jesus is with His closest friends, sharing a meal that would become known as the Last Supper. He knows what is about to happen. He knows the pain and sacrifice that lie ahead. Yet, in this moment, He takes bread, gives thanks, breaks it, and shares it with His disciples, telling them that this bread represents His body, given for them.

1. Gratitude in the Midst of Trials

First, let's notice Jesus' act of giving thanks. Even knowing the suffering He would endure, Jesus pauses to give thanks. This teaches us an important lesson about gratitude. In our own lives, we face challenges and hardships. It can be difficult to find reasons to be thankful. Yet, Jesus shows us that gratitude is powerful, especially during tough times. It shifts our focus from our problems to the blessings we still have. Let’s make a habit of giving thanks, even when life is hard.

2. The Significance of the Bread

Next, Jesus breaks the bread and shares it, saying it represents His body, given for us. This act symbolizes His impending sacrifice on the cross. Jesus gave His life so that we could be forgiven and have a relationship with God. When we partake in communion, we are reminded of this incredible gift. It’s a moment to remember how much Jesus loves us and the lengths He went to save us. This should inspire us to live our lives in a way that honors His sacrifice.

3. Remembering Jesus' Sacrifice

Jesus instructs His disciples to "do this in remembrance of me." This isn’t just about remembering with our minds but letting the memory of Jesus' sacrifice influence our hearts and actions. When we remember Jesus, we should reflect on His teachings, His love, and His example. Are we living in a way that reflects His love to others? Are we forgiving, kind, and selfless like Jesus?

4. Living in Community

Finally, Jesus shared the bread with His disciples, emphasizing the importance of community. Our faith isn’t just a personal journey; it’s meant to be shared with others. When we gather together to remember Jesus, we encourage and strengthen one another. Let’s be intentional about building and nurturing our community, supporting each other in faith, and growing together in love.

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your sacrifice. Help us to remember Your love and live in gratitude and unity. Amen.

Devotional Playlist:

June 24, 2024
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