Are you consuming or contributing to your church?


Becoming Christians


Consumer Christianity: Are We Missing the Point?

Have you ever left a church service thinking, “I didn’t really get anything out of it today”?

It’s a common sentiment, but one that reveals a deeper issue: viewing church as something to consume rather than contribute to.

Modern church culture often unintentionally reinforces this mindset. With programs, events, and amenities tailored to individual preferences, it’s easy to approach church as a spiritual shopping mall.

But the truth is, the church was never meant to cater to our whims. It’s a living, breathing body where every member has a role to play (Romans 12:4-5). It’s a place to serve, love, and build each other up—not a venue for entertainment or personal gain.

When we approach church with a “What’s in it for me?” mindset, we miss the transformative beauty of sacrificial love and selfless service.

So, let’s do a heart check: Are we going to church to be served, or are we going to serve?

The answer could change everything.

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