The new faces of JCAP: Fr Gabriel Lamug-Nañawa SJ


Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific


The Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific is composed of Jesuits and lay people who come from different parts of Asia Pacific sharing the same vision of service to a faith that does justice and brings reconciliation. To celebrate our diverse backgrounds and stories, we bring you some “new faces” at JCAP who have just begun their terms of office this year, 2020. JCAP Coordinator for Reconciliation with Creation Fr Gabriel Lamug-Nañawa SJ has been a missionary in Cambodia for 15 years. He is currently with the Jesuit Service Cambodia Ecology Program, but his interest in ecology goes all the way back to his youth. In this video, he shares a little bit about himself, his work, and the Reconciliation with Creation network of the conference. #SeasonOfCreation

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