JESUS KNOWS YOUR NAME – Daily Devotional




Daily Bread Devotional:
READ: Luke 19:1-28

Verse of the Day: Luke 19:10

Devotional Message:
(Luke 19:10)
"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."

This verse is a powerful reminder of Jesus' mission on earth and His love for each one of us.

When we look at the story surrounding this verse, we see Jesus meeting Zacchaeus, a tax collector. Tax collectors were often despised because they were seen as corrupt and greedy. Zacchaeus was no different. He was wealthy, but he had gained his wealth by cheating others. Despite his bad reputation, Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus. He climbed a tree just to get a glimpse of Him.

Jesus saw Zacchaeus in the tree and did something surprising. Instead of ignoring him or condemning him, Jesus called Zacchaeus by name and invited Himself to his house. This act of kindness and acceptance changed Zacchaeus' heart. He repented and decided to give half of his wealth to the poor and repay anyone he had cheated four times the amount.

In this story, Jesus shows us that no one is beyond His reach. He didn't come to save the perfect or the righteous; He came to save the lost, the broken, and those who feel unworthy. This is good news for all of us because at some point, we all feel lost or unworthy.

Think about your own life. Are there times when you feel like Zacchaeus, longing to see Jesus but feeling too sinful or too far gone? Remember that Jesus is seeking you out. He knows your name, He sees where you are, and He wants to come into your life and transform it.

Jesus' mission is also a call to us as His followers. Just as He reached out to Zacchaeus, we are called to reach out to those who are lost around us. It might be a friend, a family member, or a co-worker who needs to know that they are loved and valued by God.

Let’s take practical steps to live out this message:
1. Show kindness and acceptance: Like Jesus, show kindness to everyone, especially those who might be feeling lost or unworthy.
2. Share your story: Your personal story of how Jesus has changed your life can be a powerful testimony to others.
3. Pray for others: Pray for those who are lost and ask God to use you as an instrument of His love and grace in their lives.

As we go about our day, let's remember that Jesus came to seek and save the lost, and we are His hands and feet in the world. Let's be intentional about sharing His love with those around us.

Lord, thank You for coming to seek and save the lost. Help us to remember Your great love and to reach out to others with the same compassion and grace. Transform our hearts and use us to share Your message of hope. Amen.

Devotional Playlist:

June 19, 2024
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