受難節聖餐聚會 Maundy Thursday Service - 鄭紀衡牧師 Rev. Willy Cheng - Mar 28, 2024




Maundy源自拉丁文“mandatum”,意思是「命令」。 就是耶穌在最後的晚餐對門徒的命令。 受難節聚會旨在提醒我們,在耶穌被賣之前的關鍵時刻,祂呼召門徒要彼此相愛、彼此服事。 祂此時完全顯出降服天父的旨意。

我們的線上受難節聚會將於 3 月 28 日晚上 7:45-8:45 透過我們的 YouTube 頻道首播。 這是為了讓我們大家稍息,用時間一起紀念我們的主耶穌基督。

Maundy is derived from the Latin word ‘mandatum’ that means ‘mandate’. It pertains to Jesus’ mandate to His disciples during the Last Supper. This service is meant to remind us that in the critical hours before He gets betrayed, Jesus called His disciples to love and serve one another. His surrender to the will of the Father is fully demonstrated at this time.

Our online Maundy Thursday service will premiere on March 28, from 7:45-8:45PM via our YouTube channel. This is to allow us all to pause and take this time to remember our Lord Jesus Christ together.

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