The God Culture

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Timothy Jay Schwab and Anna Zamoranos-Schwab, now authors, founded The God Culture over 4 years ago leading a team of researchers in locating the legendary Ophir. This led to the location of Sheba, Tarshish, Garden of Eden, Rivers from Eden and more. All of these lead to the same, the Philippines, which the Bible and history have been very clear on all along once one shakes off extremely poor scholarship and researches this for themselves. If you arrived here seeking the truth, you shall find it. We only ask that you follow scripture and test everything for yourself and know the Bible for yourself because scholars are demonstratively poor on many ancient topics as you will see. They have not researched often and are no experts on these topics as we prove. You can surpass their stagnant theology and enter the days of increasing knowledge which Daniel predicted. Ignoring this increasing knowledge, renders one impertinent.

“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thess. 5:21