University Baptist Church – Manila
Latest Uploads
TIES | Luke 14:25-33 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
TIME| Ephesians 5:15-21 | Ptr. Rey Cureg
TALENTS | 1 Peter 4:10-11 | Ptr. Rei Dela Torre
TREASURES | Mark 10:21-22 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
CHRIST CENTERED LIVING | Galatians 2:20 | Ptr. Rey Cureg
CHRIST CENTERED WORSHIP | Colossians 3:16-17 | Ptr. Rei Dela Torre
Videos (184)
CHRIST CENTERED FAITH | Hebrews 12:2 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
THE DIVINITY OF THE MESSIAH | John 1:1-18 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
THE BIRTH OF THE MESSIAH | Luke 2:1-21 | Ptr. Christian Clopino
THE MINISTRY OF THE MESSIAH | Mark 1:1-14 | Ptr. Rei Dela Torre
THE GENEALOGY OF THE MESSIAH | Matt. 1:1-17 | Ptr. Rey Cureg
PLANNING FOR SUCCESS | Nehemiah 1:1-11; 2:1-8 | Ptr. Rovic Dumale
PLANNING FOR THE FUTURE | Genesis 22:1-14 | Ptr. Christian Clopino
PLANNING WITH WISDOM | Prov. 21:5; Ecc. 3:1-8 | Ptr. Rei Dela Torre
PLANNING WITH GOD’S GUIDANCE | Prov. 16:1-3 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
DEVOTED TOGETHER | Romans 12:9-21 | Ptr. Rey Cureg
NURTURING TOGETHER | 1 Thessalonians 5:11 | Dr. Michael Janapin
Kamatayan ng Banal – UBC Worship
Ebanghelyo ng Langit – UBC Worship
Endless Grace – UBC Worship
You are God – UBC Worship
This Place – UBC Worship
Jesus is His Name – UBC Worship
Glorifying God – UBC Worship
Sa’yo ang Lahat – UBC Worship
Galing sa Biyaya Mo – UBC Worship
Tugon – UBC Worship
OPERATING TOGETHER | 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 | Ptr. Rei Dela Torre
BIND TOGETHER | Acts 2:42-47 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
THE ENSLAVEMENT OF A SERVANT | Phil. 4:10-19 | Ptr. Rovic Dumale
THE VALUES OF A SERVANT | Phil. 4:4-9 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
THE RESOLUTION OF A SERVANT | Phil. 3:1-14 | Ptr. Rey Cureg
THE EXAMPLE OF A SERVANT | Phil. 2:1-18 | Ptr. Rei Dela Torre
THE SACRIFICES OF A SERVANT | Phil. 1:27-30 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
STUDYING AND TEACHING | Deut. 6:6-7 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
TITHING AND OFFERING | Deut. 8:18 | Ptr. Rey Cureg
CARING AND LOVING | Micah 6:8 | Ptr. Rei Dela Torre
ACCLAIMING AND PRAYING | 1 Chronicles 16:34-36 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
ENGAGEMENT OF DISCIPLE-MAKING | 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
KILLERS OF DISCIPLE-MAKING | 2 Tim. 4:2-4 | Ptr. Rey Cureg
ATTITUDE IN DISCIPLE-MAKING | 1 Peter 5:2-3 | Ptr. Rei Dela Torre
MANDATE OF DISCIPLE-MAKING | Colossians 1:28-29 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
Becoming Missional Amidst Changing Community | Acts 10:1-48 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
Believing the power of the Gospel to heal and save the Changing Comm| Ac 9:32-43 | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
Bearing Witness to the Changing Community | Acts 9:1-31 | Ptr. Rey Cureg
Banking on the Holy Spirit In A Changing Community | Acts 8:26-40 | Ptr. Rei Dela Torre
Bringing the Unchanging Gospel To A Changing Community | Acts 8:1-25 | Ptr. Job Azurin
Seminary Sunday “When God Calls” | Exodus 3:10-15 | Dr. Armand M. Canoy
Family: Spiritual Sibling | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
Family: Spiritual Sacrifice | Rev. Marvin Gibson, Jr,
Family: Spiritual Struggle | Rev. Marvin Gibson, Jr, | Matt. 10:34-36
Fidelity in Ministry | Ptr. Nico Ratilla
The Priority of Ministry over Relationship | Rev. Marvin Gibson, Jr.
Living Out The Ministry | Rev. Marvin Gibson, Jr.
The University Baptist Church subscribes to the doctrinal statement of the Baptist Faith and Message as accepted by the Southern Baptist Convention and revised in 1996
Basis of Faith
The Holy Bible is our infallible and inspired Word of God and is the sole basis of our faith. We bind ourselves together as a body of baptized believers in Jesus Christ who are personally committed to sharing the Good News, that is, God’s salvation to lost mankind.