10 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Tithe


Becoming Christians


Did you know that only about 2 out of 10 Christians give their tithes? It should not be surprising since there are a lot of churches today that say tithing is obsolete.

However, what does the Bible really say? Is tithing still relevant or not? Most importantly, what does God expect from us?

In this eye-opening video, let me share with you the 10 compelling and powerful reasons for you to tithe. Stick around to the very end and discover how tithing can draw you closer to God!

✨ Read the blog, " *Top 10 Surprising Reasons Why You Should Tithe
* " ➤ becomingchristians.com/2013/07/11/shocking-truths-from-the-bible-10-reasons-why-i-tithe/

⬇️ FREE Download: *The Power of Tithing* ➤ becomingchristians.com/2022/09/29/free-booklet-the-power-of-tithing/

#tithing #biblestudy |#christianity

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