Are all sins equal to God?


Becoming Christians


Are all sins equal before God? The answer is nuanced. In one sense, yes—all sin separates us from God’s perfect holiness (Romans 3:23). Even what we consider “small sins,” like a lie, make us fall short of His glory. James 2:10 confirms that breaking one part of God’s law is equivalent to breaking it all, underscoring the seriousness of any sin.

However, not all sins are the same in their consequences. Scripture indicates that some sins carry greater guilt and more severe outcomes. For example, Jesus told Pilate that Judas's betrayal was a “greater sin” (John 19:11). Similarly, sins like hatred or murder cause greater harm and ripple effects in our lives and relationships compared to smaller transgressions.

The key takeaway? All sin matters to God, but His grace covers all—big or small (Romans 5:20). Instead of ranking sins, we should humble ourselves, seek forgiveness, and let God’s grace transform us into His image.

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