CHRIST IN ME – Daily Devotional




Daily Bread Devotional:
Devotional Topic: CHRIST IN ME
READ: Galatians 2

Verse of the Day: Galatians 2:20

Devotional Message:
(Galatians 2:20)
"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

This verse is a profound declaration of what it means to truly live as a Christian. Paul, the author of this letter, is expressing that his old self—his old ways, thoughts, and desires—have been crucified with Christ. This doesn’t mean that Paul physically died, but rather that his old sinful nature has been put to death. Paul is no longer controlled by sin or the desires of his old life because Christ now lives in him. His identity, purpose, and the way he lives have all been transformed by his faith in Jesus.

When we think about what it means to be "crucified with Christ," we realize that it’s about surrendering our lives fully to Him. It’s about letting go of our selfish ambitions, our fears, and even our past mistakes, and allowing Christ to shape us into who He wants us to be. Paul reminds us that the life we now live is not by our own strength or for our own glory, but through faith in Jesus, who loves us so deeply that He gave His life for us.

As we reflect on this verse, it challenges us to ask ourselves: "Am I living my life as though I have been crucified with Christ?" This doesn’t mean we have to be perfect, but it does mean that our focus should be on living in a way that honors God. Are we allowing Christ to live through us? Are we making decisions, treating others, and handling our responsibilities in a way that reflects Christ’s love and sacrifice?

Living by faith in the Son of God means trusting Him in every aspect of our lives. When we face difficulties, we lean on Christ's strength rather than our own. When we are tempted to go back to our old ways, we remember that those ways were nailed to the cross with Christ. We don’t live for ourselves anymore; we live to glorify God.

This verse also reminds us of Christ's immense love for us. He didn’t just die for us as a group, but He died for each of us individually. He knows us personally, loves us deeply, and wants to live His life through us. When we grasp this truth, it becomes easier to surrender our lives to Him, knowing that He wants the best for us and that His plans are far greater than anything we could imagine.

Let’s take this truth to heart and ask God to help us live out our faith daily, allowing Christ to be at the center of all we do. This might mean making some changes in our priorities, how we treat others, or how we handle challenges. It’s about inviting Jesus into every part of our lives and trusting Him to lead us.

Lord, thank You for the love You showed us by giving Your life for us. Help us to live each day by faith, letting go of our old ways and allowing You to work through us. May our lives reflect Your love and grace. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Devotional Playlist:

August 30, 2024
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