WE'RE NOT ALONE – Daily Devotional
Daily Bread Devotional:
Devotional Topic: "WE'RE NOT ALONE"
Verse of the Day: Revelation 3:20
Devotional Message:
(Revelation 3:20)
"I stand at the door and knock."
There are times in life when we feel isolated, even when surrounded by people. Maybe we feel unheard, misunderstood, or like no one truly sees us. Sometimes, our struggles make us feel like we’re facing life alone. But this verse reminds us of a beautiful truth—we are never alone.
Jesus Himself speaks these words in Revelation 3:20. He is saying, “I am here. I am near. I am waiting for you.” This verse gives us a picture of Jesus standing at the door of our hearts, knocking and calling out to us. He is not distant. He is not a faraway God who watches from a distance. Instead, He is personal, relational, and full of love.
But notice something important: Jesus does not force His way in. He knocks. He waits. He calls out. That means we have a choice. We can ignore the knocking, or we can open the door and invite Him in. This is a powerful reminder that God desires a real relationship with us, but He will not force it upon us. He loves us too much to demand our love in return—He wants us to respond willingly.
This verse was originally written to the church in Laodicea. These were believers, but they had grown spiritually lukewarm. They had become comfortable in their faith, relying on themselves instead of on God. Even though they were drifting, Jesus had not given up on them. He was still pursuing them. He was still knocking.
This shows us the heart of Jesus. Even when we become distant, even when we are distracted, even when we have shut Him out—He does not leave us. He does not stop calling. He does not stop knocking. He is always near, always waiting, always ready to be with us.
1. Hearing the Knock
It is easy to get caught up in the busyness of life—work, family responsibilities, personal struggles, and endless distractions. Sometimes, we are so preoccupied that we don’t even realize Jesus is knocking. How often do we take time to listen for His voice?
God speaks to us in many ways: through His Word, through worship, through moments of stillness, through the encouragement of others, and even through our circumstances. But if we are not paying attention, we might miss His voice.
Think about a time when you felt a deep longing for something more. That could have been Jesus knocking—reminding you that He is near, calling you into a deeper relationship with Him. Are we taking time to hear His voice?
2. Opening the Door
It’s one thing to hear Jesus knocking; it’s another to actually open the door. Opening the door means making space for Him in our lives—not just in emergencies or on Sundays, but every day.
Some of us might be keeping parts of our hearts closed. Maybe there are areas we don’t want to surrender. Maybe we are afraid of change. Maybe we feel unworthy of His presence. But Jesus does not knock because we are perfect; He knocks because He loves us. He wants to be part of every area of our lives—our struggles, our decisions, our joys, and our pain.
What doors have we kept closed? Are there areas of our lives we have not fully surrendered to Him? Today, we have the opportunity to let Him in.
3. Dining with Jesus
The most beautiful part of this verse is what happens after we open the door. Jesus says, “I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” In biblical times, sharing a meal was more than just eating—it was a sign of deep friendship and relationship.
Jesus is not coming into our lives to give us a list of rules. He is coming to be with us—to walk with us, to comfort us, to strengthen us, and to share in our daily lives.
How can we make time to “dine” with Jesus daily? Maybe through prayer, worship, reading His Word, or simply talking to Him throughout the day. The more time we spend with Him, the closer our relationship becomes.
4. Remembering We’re Not Alone
One of the enemy’s biggest lies is that we are alone—that no one sees us, no one understands us, and no one cares. But the truth is, Jesus sees us. Jesus understands us. Jesus cares deeply.
Lord Jesus, thank You for always being near. Thank You for knocking on the door of my heart, even when I am distracted or distant. Help me to recognize Your presence, to open my heart fully to You, and to spend time with You daily. I don’t want to go through life alone. I want to walk with You, talk with You, and grow closer to You every day. Remind me that I am never truly alone because You are always with me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Devotional Playlist:
March 17, 2025
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