Daily Devotions in Tagalog: Redeeming Christmas- The Message of Abundance


Daloy Daily Devotions


Bible Study Notes
2 Corinthians 8 9

Christmas and Abundance

Why many people are poverty-minded?
Wrong understanding about being poor.
Wrong perspective about wealth and money.
Wrong understanding of happiness.

Why God wants us to live in abundance?
He promised to supply all our needs
Philippians  4 19
He wants us to abound in good work
2 Corinthians 9 8
He designed us to be fruitful and productive
John 15 16

3 reasons why the true meaning of Christmas and Abundance should be preached
It is possible for believers  to live in abundance
It is ok to reward yourself and your family after a year of hardwork.
It can be an opportunity to share the gospel and the blessings you have received to others.

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