Daily Devotions in Tagalog: When You are Wrong About God


Daloy Daily Devotions


Bible Study Notes
Luke 15:28-32

Lessons about the story of two sons

About God- Luke 15 2, 20-24
God is loving, generous, forgiving and restoring God

About the Prodigal Son- Luke 15 13-24
Sin and wrong choices made his life miserable
Because of his sin, he thought he would no longer be accepted as son

About the Eldest Son- Luke 15 28-32
He is wrong about his father
He didn't know his inheritance
He thought that by being good is the only way he could please his father
He became jealous and judgmental about his brother

When we are wrong about God
We don't see Him as a loving Father
We don't enjoy our inheritance
We misunderstood God's grace
We can become critical and unloving

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