God Who Saves | Christmas Song
God Who Saves" is a song about what the Christmas story really means for all of us - that Jesus came down to this earth to save us and that being able to know and follow Him is the greatest gift we could ever get.
Scripture reference:
Luke 19:10
Lyrics and music by: Sophie Ti
Arranged by: Wendell Salumbides
Lead vocals: Sophie Ti, Lara Burdeos, Maybelle Ti
Back up vocals: Paul Armesin, Timothy Joshua Sarmiento
Creative Music Directors & Editors: Kulas and Gracetine Magsayo
Production Team: Christina Burdeos, Paulo Silot, Roma Montero, Bryan Jimenez, Kenneth Altirado
Kids in the video: Chyna Ignacio, Philip Silot, Echo Leonor, Gospel Belen
#GodwhoSaves #NXTGEN #NXTGENChristmas #NXTGENoriginalsongs #CCFNXTGEN #SundaySchoolSongs