Hope In The Precious Cross (Live) | CCF Exalt Worship


CCF Exalt Worship


Live version of "Hope in the Precious Cross" by Exalt Worship
Words & Music by Jeff Lucas
Arranged by Orlando Dela Cruz

© Exalt Worship 2020


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Verse 1
There is hope in the precious cross of Jesus
His love is pure, it sets us free
For He is good and He is filled with mercy
He showed His power on the road to Calvary

On the cross, forgiveness rained
Redemption hill, salvation came
He took our sin, oh what a sacrifice
There is hope in the precious cross of Christ

Verse 2
There is grace in the precious cross of Jesus
When we were dead, He gave us life
Spirit-filled, dwelling in His presence
We bow down to our Savior Jesus Christ

For He came to save the lost
He is Lord, Lord of all
By His grace, He opened up our eyes
There is hope in the precious cross of Christ

Verse 3
There is peace in the precious cross of Jesus
We should not fear what comes our way
This world is filled with trials and with sorrows
But we take heart, for He overcame the grave

The coming King, a glorious day
Every tongue confess and say
He is Lord forever glorified
There is hope in the precious cross of Christ

He is Lord and Savior of my life
There is hope in the precious cross of Chris

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