“Loving God” (Matthew 22:34-40) Pastor Mel Caparros April 28, 2024 Sunday Service


Living Word


“Loving God” (Matthew 22:34-40) Pastor Mel Caparros April 28, 2024 Sunday Service

In this passage, we see the UNENDING OPPOSITION to Jesus Christ by RIVAL GROUPS. They took turns in TESTING and CHALLENGING Jesus like a wrestling TAG TEAM. They were however NO MATCH to Jesus’ WISDOM.

Instead of pinning down Jesus to make a “TAP OUT”. Jesus turns
things around and delivers a CONCISE and POWERFUL exposition on God’s commandment on love. LOVING GOD seems like a very basic thing, so that we feel that our knowledge and wisdom in its application is well known to us.

However, while our ideas regarding the love of God may be correct, it may be incomplete or inadequate in terms of its SCOPE. LOVING GOD IS WIDER THAN WE THINK.

Join us this weekend in our In-Person Service.

You may also watch us our livestream at 9AM.
See you and God bless!

Service Schedules:
SATURDAY 9:00am [Cebuano & English]

SUNDAY 9:00am [English]
SUNDAY 4:00pm [English]

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We have a lofty desire to impact nations through the faithful preaching of the whole counsel of Scripture in the power of the Holy Spirit.

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