PLUS ONE | Golden City Alliance Fellowship Manila & Parañaque Christian Community Fellowship




The local churches of CAMACOP have received a heartfelt and inspiring call to action. They are being summoned to embark on a sacred mission of planting new churches and establishing fresh congregations, commencing in the year 2023.

This divine mandate, rooted in unwavering obedience to the Great Commission, extends its reach to encompass every local church within CAMACOP. It is a call that transcends barriers of size, income, membership, and geographical distance. Whether organized or unorganized, led by a pastor or lay leader, stable or unstable, popular or obscure, established or underdeveloped, progressive or conservative, modern or simple – this mandate applies to each and every church.

The message is clear: every church is called upon to erect at least one new church or initiate a new congregation within a span of 3 to 5 years, commencing this year. It is a call that beckons immediate action, reminding us that if Jesus is truly the Lord of the church, we have the capacity to respond without delay.

Though the task may appear daunting, it is important to remember that with God's assistance, all things are possible. Let us draw inspiration from the early disciples, who fearlessly spread the Gospel despite facing adversity. Their unwavering faith and dedication serve as a guiding light as we embark on this mission together. With the Holy Spirit as our guide, we can sow the seeds of faith, nurture new congregations, and witness the expansion of God's kingdom.

May each church embrace this divine calling with open hearts and unwavering commitment to the Great Commission. May God's blessings be upon them as they embark on this sacred journey, and may His grace and love illuminate their path every step of the way.

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