purple designs by Petite


ms. curious


Showcasing some of my fashion accessory artworks here. My brand is Purple Designs by Petite. I handcrafted them some years back when a lot of turmoil was going on deep within me, everything was just not great.

Creating was simply cathartic, from trailblazing the people and places to acquire materials, to designing, handcrafting, creating the tags, to taking photographs with a run-of-the-mill phone camera (sorry, the real color of the semi-precious stones were not captured but just the same I am happy I took them). I was not into the business side of it. I had no business sense after all. But I had friends who were supportive, bought and brought them to some places for gifts.

What was fascinating about these artworks were the love energy and prayers that I said and poured into each of the beads that I worked on, that I may be healed and go through life ,maybe scathed, but restored in faith and love; and that the person who will finally own the artwork be bountifully blessed.

Digitally curating them now made some sense into myself, that everything shall pass in its own time no matter what the circumstances are. And the greatest realization? That GOD is the ultimate CREATOR! HE can make you beautiful even if you are hard on yourself, even if you are not worth anything and you are useless to love. I never knew I had it until I buried myself in creating the pieces deep into the nights. HE was that flow and HE was leading me on.

So to you who are in the same boat now, take heart, take courage. Cheers to you women! Love and light!

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