"The Beatitudes In Reverse [Part One]" (Matthew 23:13-22) Pastor Mel Caparros July 07, 2024
Living Word
"The Beatitudes In Reverse [Part One]" (Matthew 23:13-22) Pastor Mel Caparros July 07, 2024 Sunday Service
Jesus pronounced seven denunciations, each beginning with "WOE TO YOU". Those woes, in contrast to the Beatitudes, denounce false religionists as utterly abhorrent to God and worthy of severe condemnation".
In Matthew 5, we find "8 BLESSEDS", HERE WE FIND "SEVEN WOES", MAYBE EVEN 8, if v.14 is to be included. In six of the seven, Jesus called the leaders, "YOU HYPOCRITES". The Pharisees wore these invisible masks, and they had succeeded in fooling thousands of people to believe that they were spiritual. BUT IN TRUTH, THEY WERE REALLY NOTHING.
That's what the Pharisees were, BEAUTIFUL ON THE OUTSIDE, BUT UGLY ON THE INSIDE. Jesus also called them sons of hell, blind guides, fools, whitewashed tombs, serpents, and brood of vipers. To these people Jesus pronounced several WOES.
"Woe" sometimes in Matthew expresses a regretful lament. It is a powerful and denunciatory judgment akin to a curse. Such series of woes are familiar from the Old Testament prophets where the tone is condemnation, and that is the emphasis here too. Let us look closely into the beatitudes of Jesus Christ in reverse.
Join us this weekend in our In-Person Service.
You may also watch us our livestream at 9AM.
See you and God bless!
Service Schedules:
SATURDAY 9:00am [Cebuano & English]
SUNDAY 9:00am [English]
SUNDAY 4:00pm [English]
This Sunday is COMMUNION SUNDAY. This will be led by Pastor Mel Caparros right after the sermon.
Kindly prepare your hearts as we remember the Lord’s great love for us. Please also prepare the communion elements (grape juice and crackers / unleavened bread).
Just a gentle reminder: The Lord’s Supper is an exclusive celebration for genuine believers only.
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