THE CHRIST CHILD BRINGS HOPE | The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle (January 19, 2025)
THE CHRIST CHILD BRINGS HOPE | The Word Exposed with Cardinal Tagle (Jan 19, 2025)
Today is the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time; and in the Philippines, this is celebrated as the Feast of the Santo Niño.
The Holy See acknowledges the ardent devotion of Filipinos to the Child Jesus. In 1721, Pope Innocent XIII added the current feast day to the General Calendar and approved the readings to be proclaimed. In 1965, Pope Paul VI decreed the image’s canonical coronation, recognizing the Child Jesus as “the symbol of the birth and growth of Christianity in the Philippines.” And in 2015, during his visit, Pope Francis helped us realize that the Santo Niño reminds us of our identity as God’s family, and “this identity must be protected.”
The gospel reading proclaims the account of Jesus’s reunion with his parents in the House of the Father. It is a beautiful but also enigmatic scene.
Joseph and Mary were anxious, as they have been searching for their son whom they had lost.
Yet Jesus’s words can serve as a reminder about their identity as a family: He is in the Father’s house. The Father who liberated them from slavery, the reason why they were celebrating Passover. In other words, brothers and sisters, Jesus is telling Mary and Joseph that he is in the house of His and their common Father.
Let the Santo Niño remind us that we have a Father in heaven, and we have a home in the Church!
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The Word Exposed with Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Pro-Prefect of the Dicastery for Evangelization reflects on Sunday's Mass readings each week. From the Vatican, produced by Jesuit Communications.
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