“The Pathway To Greatness (Part One)” (Matthew 20:20-28) Pastor Mel Caparros January 7, 2024


Living Word


“The Pathway To Greatness (Part One)” (Matthew 20:20-28) Pastor Mel Caparros January 7, 2024 Sunday Service

A lot of people desire greatness in the field of business; some desire greatness in the field of business; some desire greatness in the field of politics and yet others still desire greatness in ministry. A desire for greatness is NOT NECESSARILY bad, but we are to have the right motives.

The path to greatness however is a difficult path - it is the path of suffering and servanthood. This is our subject matter for today and there is a three-fold flow to our study, but for lack of time, we will divide this sermon into TWO PARTS. We will discuss points 1 & 2 today and finish up with point 3 next weekend.

Join us this weekend in our In-Person Service.

You may also watch us our livestream at 9AM.
See you and God bless!

Service Schedules:
SATURDAY 9:00am [Cebuano & English]

SUNDAY 9:00am [English]
SUNDAY 4:00pm [English]

This Sunday is COMMUNION SUNDAY. This will be led by Pastor Mel Caparros right after the sermon.

Kindly prepare your hearts as we remember the Lord’s great love for us. Please also prepare the communion elements (grape juice and crackers / unleavened bread).

Just a gentle reminder: The Lord’s Supper is an exclusive celebration for genuine believers only.

We are a family of churches, founded and built on the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We have a lofty desire to impact nations through the faithful preaching of the whole counsel of Scripture in the power of the Holy Spirit.

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