"The Dawning Of The Day Of The Lord" (Matthew 24:1-8) Pastor Mel Caparros August 11, 2024


Living Word


"The Dawning Of The Day Of The Lord" (Matthew 24:1-8) Pastor Mel Caparros August 11, 2024 Sunday Service

Starting in Matthew 24, we find Jesus dealing with matters of ESCHATOLOGY [FUTURE THINGS]. The discussion of future things is not inclusive to the New Testament. In fact, majority of FUTURE EVENTS are predicted in very picturesque detail in the Old Testament. What occupies a lot of space in Old Testament prophecy is a series of events called the “Day of the Lord”.

The Day of the Lord has two faces to it: You have the DARK SIDE and you have the BRIGHT SIDE. The Dark side predicts the comingTRIBULATION PERIOD with the RULE of the ANTICHRIST. The Bright side predicts the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ and His future millennial reign.

Now before the Day of the Lord takes place, there will be INDICATIVE SIGNS that it is NEAR. Jesus gives us a list of signs which would anticipate the nearness of the DAY of the LORD.
Join us this weekend in our In-Person Service.

You may also watch us our livestream at 9AM.
See you and God bless!

Service Schedules:
SATURDAY 9:00am [Cebuano & English]

SUNDAY 9:00am [English]
SUNDAY 4:00pm [English]

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