February 12: Ano Ang Pinakanakakatakot na Nilalang Sa Bible? - Cherubim - Genesis 3:24


Devotion with Russel Ocampo


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Today's Devotion:

365 Daily Devotions: Seminary Edition

💁🏻 Concept: Cherubim
A class of created spiritual beings who, among other things, guarded the entrance to the Garden of Eden.

📖 Bible Readings: Genesis 3:24
(Genesis 3:24; Exodus 25:18-20; 1 Kings 6:23-28, 8:6-7; 2 Chronicles 3:10-13; Ezekiel 1:4-14, 10:1-22; 11:22-23; 28:14-16; Psalm 18:10, 80:1, 99:1; Isaiah 37:16; Revelation 4:6-8)

👨🏻‍💻 Teachings:
1. The cherubim show God’s holiness.
2. The cherubim show God’s judgment.
3. The cherubim show God’s glory.

💪🏼 Applications:
1. Be set apart because God is holy.
2. Approach God with utmost respect.
3. Soak in God’s presence.

Can you recall a moment when you truly felt the weight of God’s holiness? How should we approach a holy God?

🙏🏼 Prayer:
Holy God, You are holy, righteous, and full of glory. Help me to live a life that is set apart for You. Make me an instrument for Your own use only. Keep my heart focus on Your holy presence. Teach me to approach You with deep reverence and awe, knowing that You are a consuming fire. Let me not take Your holiness lightly, but instead be transformed by it. Fill me with a desire to soak in Your presence, to know You more, and to just enjoy being with You. Thank You for the blood of Christ that allows me, a sinner, to draw near Your holy presence. I praise You and honor You in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Partner: Gerald

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