NXTGEN Live! Infocus [EP2] Do you believe that Jesus is The Promised Messiah? | Podcast
9AM 12PM 3PM Podcast (Kids Ages 4-12)
Hi there!
Are you all set for another important lesson and focus on Jesus' Sovereignty?
Come. Together with Teacher Jesse and Ate Alexi let's adjust our lenses and learn about Jesus being our Savior! on our series via NXTGEN Live! Infocus [EP2] Do you believe that Jesus is The Promised Messiah? | Podcast.
Watch on YouTube: youtube.com/live/h6As3uNcRks
Watch on Facebook: fb.me/e/5mrSlfsH8
Lesson Materials: bit.ly/nxtgen-Jun16-2024-lessonmats
Sign-up for an online small group: bit.ly/nxtgenlivesquadsreg-2023
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