Roman Catholic Diocese of Tandag
Latest Uploads
Jubilee 2025 Celebration in the Diocese of Tandag | Bishop Raul Dael
HOMILY | Christmas Eve Mass | Bishop Raul Dael
HOMILY | New Year’s Eve Mass – Solemnity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God
Jubilee Year 2025 in the Diocese of Tandag
RITE OF BLESSING OF CHRISTMAS LIGHTS – New San Nicolas de Tolentino Cathedral
HOMILY | First Sunday of Advent | Bishop Raul Dael
Homily | Closing Mass – Tandag Clergy Annual Retreat (Feast of St. Cecilia )
Videos (109)
HOMILY – Feast of Padre Pio | Bishop Raul
Ang maka pausab dili ang tawhanon nga matang sa pag higugma kung dili ang diyosnon nga pag higugma.
HOMILY | Eucharistic Celebration – 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“God sees the seed of goodness in us.” – Bishop Raul Dael
“It is good that you are afraid because when you are afraid, you trust in God.” – Bishop Raul
46th Canonical Erection Anniversary of the Diocese of Tandag
MESSAGE | #EarthDay2024 – Most Rev. Raul B. Dael, DD
HOMILY | Easter Sunday: The Resurrection of the Lord
HOMILY | Holy Saturday – Easter Vigil
HOMILY | Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion
HOMILY | Holy Thursday – Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
HIGHLIGHTS | Chrism Mass and Renewal of Priestly Promises
“The more we love the poorer we become.” – Bishop Raul
When we love, we do not give what is extra, we give what is best in us.
HOMILY – Eucharistic Celebration – 4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) – March 10, 2024
Thank you, Bishop Ner! (October 16, 1940 – February 01, 2024)
Homily of Bishop Raul Dael during the 7th Novena Mass – 459th Fiesta of Señor Sto. Niño de Cebu
The Epiphany of the Lord
What makes life meaningful and happy?
What makes a family holy?
What makes life meaningful and happy? – Bishop Raul
Highlights | CABUSTAM Apostolic Congress on Mercy 2023
HOMILY | 1st Sunday of Advent | Most Rev. Raul B. Dael DD
WATCH | Diocesan Youth Congress 2023 Highlights
“If tomorrow never comes, what will we regret before the Lord?” | Bishop Raul Dael
HOMILY | 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
“To be with God is a life of Joy. Christianity is a religion of Joy.” | Bishop Raul Dael
Ordination to the Sacred Order of Deacons of Rev. Christopher Mondalo & Rev. Johny Pepito
“A Joyful heart is obedient to God.” -Bishop Raul Dael
HIGHLIGHTS | Abp. Brown leads 401st Fiesta Celebration of San Nicolas de Tolentino Cathedral -Tandag
HIGHLIGHTS: Archbishop Charles John Brown leads 9th Novena Mass in honor of San Nicolas de Tolentino
WATCH | Blessing of 103.1 Unitas Radio of the Diocese of Tandag
The Arrival of the Papal Nuncio, Abp. Charles John Brown, Apostolic Nuncio to the Philippines
HIGHLIGHTS | Fluvial Procession: The Reenactment of the Arrival of the Missionaries
“Journey into Spiritual Wisdom: Homily by Rev. Fr. Erwin Rommel M. Torres | Aug 27, 2023”
HOMILY | Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
HOMILY | 19th Sunday in Ordinary Time
HOMILY | Feast of the Transfiguration of the Lord – Parish Priest’s Sunday
HOMILY | 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time | Homilist : Rev. Fr. Erwin Rommel Torres
HOMILY | The Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ – Homilist : Most Rev. Raul B. Dael, DD
“The capacity to stay in difficult times is a test of commitment and sincerity to our decisions.”
HOMILY | 5th Sunday of Easter
Pastoral Statement on the Series of Killings | Bishop Raul Dael
“When people see us, our presence should evoke a nostalgia for God.” – Bishop Raul Dael
HOMILY | 5th Sunday of Lent | Most Rev. Raul B. Dael, DD
HOMILY | 2nd Sunday of Lent | March 5, 2023
Homily | Ash Wednesday – Eucharistic Celebration | February 22, 2023
Homily | 7th Sunday in Ordinary Time | February 19, 2022
Official YouTube Channel of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Tandag
Tandag, Surigao del Sur
The Diocese of Tandag comprises the civil province of Surigao del Sur and its capital is Tandag City. It was erected on June 16, 1978 with its first appointed bishop, Ireneo A. Amantillo, CSSR, DD. Tandag was earlier part of the Diocese of Surigao, its neighboring province. Its titular patron is St. Nicholas of Tolentino whose feast day is celebrated on the 10th of September.
Now, the Diocese of Tandag has 32 parishes and 1 newly erected quasi-parish within its jurisdiction. It is divided into five (5) vicariates namely: St. Vicente de Paul, Mother of Mercy, Holy Child, San Nicolas de Tolentino and Immaculate Conception. Most. Rev. Nereo P. Odchimar, DD, JCD, is the 2nd installed prelate, now the bishop-emeritus. Most Rev. Raul B. Dael, DD is the 3rd installed prelate, the present bishop of Tandag. The diocese has now 69 ordained diocesan priests and 3 newly ordained deacons.