"Our Perfect High Priest [Part 2]" (Hebrews 7:26-28) Pastor AJ Caparros June 09, 2024 Sunday Service


Living Word


"Our Perfect High Priest [Part 2]" (Hebrews 7:26-28) Pastor AJ Caparros June 09, 2024 Sunday Service

Last week, we’ve seen that Hebrews was written for Jewish Christians who were tempted to go back to the Old Covenant because of a persecution that threatened to steal their possessions, their loved ones and their own lives. That’s why the author of Hebrews wrote a letter to them and he lifted up the supremacy of Christ over angels (1:4-2:18); Moses (3:1-4:13); and Aaron and all other Levitical priests (4:14-10:39).
Through Jesus, believers have a better hope (7:19); a better covenant (7:22; 8:6); better promises (9:23); a better possession (10:34); a better place (11:16); a better life (11:35); and a better word (12:24)!

The letter to the Hebrews also gives a fuller exposition of the priestly work of Christ compared to all other books in the New Testament. And in Hebrews 7:26, we saw that Jesus is the Perfect High Priest because of the perfection of His holiness. He is perfect in moral and majestic holiness. Today, we will be looking at verse 27-28 and we will see two more reasons why Jesus is the Perfect High Priest. Perfect Sacrifice and the Perfect Son of God.
Join us this weekend in our In-Person Service.

You may also watch us our livestream at 9AM.
See you and God bless!

Service Schedules:
SATURDAY 9:00am [Cebuano & English]

SUNDAY 9:00am [English]
SUNDAY 4:00pm [English]

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